Monday, November 25, 2013

November 24th - Frustrated!

Today was Sunday and it was a great day, except for the wi-fi at church!  I am very frustrated.  Last week, it seemed to be fine, but today it kept dropping and I was not able to really do what we wanted to do in our family history class.  I am considering other alternatives - like getting a 4G hook up for my computer, so I don't have to depend on the wi-fi anymore.  We will see!

Otherwise, the day was a usual wonderful Sabbath - the talks were good; other than the wi-fi problem, my class went well; great lesson in RS.

For dinner, I wanted to use up some things.  I am trying to empty the freezer for a thorough clean before I refill it.  So, I wanted to use the last pound of hamburger, which is not enough for a big dinner.  I found a taco casserole recipe that I decided to try.  It was actually pretty good.  The bottom layer was instant mashed potatoes that had been seasoned with taco seasoning.  The top layer was hamburger, refried beans, salsa, taco seasoning.  It was served with taco toppings like cheese, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, black olives.  With peas and apple sauce on the side, it turned out pretty good.  Particularly successful was seeing Ashby eat a big helping of it and not leaving a bit!

We had a relaxing rest of the day with the kids here.  There is no school this week, so they didn't feel pressured to get home and get the kids to bed.  As usual, the kids were entertaining and we laughed a lot.

After they left, our home teacher came by and we had a nice visit with him. 

I do love my Sundays!

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