Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 12th - Babysitting!

Lisa has a long-time friend who now lives in Tobago, so they haven't seen each other in quite a long time.  The friend is in town and there was a baby shower for her - the baby is due Christmas Day - and Lisa really wanted to go.  However, it was in the morning and that is a busy time with kids!  So, poor me, I had to go over and take care of the kids so she could have her morning out.

I got there in time to load the kids up in the car and drop Ashby off at school.  Then Brooks and I came back to the house and played all morning.  We played with the train set, setting up a new track.  Then we played with the matchbox cars and the race track.  Finally, we played a long time with the play dough.  They got some new play dough stuff yesterday and he loved playing with his "excavator."  Yes, that is what he called it and that is actually what it was!  The kid is an expert on Mighty Machines, his favorite Netflix show.

After lunch and a little more playing, it was time to pick Ashby up.  When we got home, there was a bit of a conflict about who Grandma had to play with.  Of course, they wouldn't even be on the same level.  Brooks wanted the downstairs; Ashby wanted upstairs!  We eventually distracted Brooks and got him and Ashby together.  Then I was able to slip between them and they were both happy.  How fun that they want Grandma's attention.  Since I can't comfortably get down on the floor to play, they put the toys up on the bar and we sat on the stools and played. 

Not long after, Lisa got back.  The shower had been in Roswell, which was where we lived when she was growing up.  Besides being thrilled to see her friend, she also had fun remembering.  She drove by the old neighborhood and took a picture of our old house and the house that her best friend Ahna had lived in.  They had quite a conversation going on Facebook after she posted the pictures.

Back home, I mostly worked at the computer.  I think I have next week's lesson pretty much planned out.  There are still some things I want to put together, but at least the plans are done.

I was really tired this evening after my babysitting adventure this morning, so I just had a quiet evening reading, before heading off to bed.

Any day with grandkids is a marvelous day - and this one was certainly that!

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