Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 2nd - Quiet after the storm!

We had such a fun day yesterday that today seemed abnormally quiet by comparison.  Actually, I was busy all day, but I don't seem to generate the same noise level as is generated by the kids!

Among other things, I got the house all cleaned up again, all the Christmas decorations down (that includes the tree and the outdoor lights), two loads of laundry done, computer stuff, etc.  I even managed to get a short nap in.

It was one of those busy, but not very interesting, days, I guess.

However, I started the day with a FB message from Billy's ex-girlfriend, letting me know that her mother had been killed just before Christmas by a hit and run driver.  Very sad.  I will probably go to the funeral which will be Saturday.  The case is still under investigation.  We have not stayed close to her, for private reasons, but I am still very saddened that she is having to go through such a traumatic event, especially right at Christmas.

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