Saturday, January 12, 2013

January 11th - Help! The Laundry Is Killing Me!

At least, it felt that way today.  I did seven loads of laundry.  (I know, in the days when kids were home, seven loads would have been a light day, but not so any more!)  That included the sheets, mattress cover, blankets, and bed spread.  I sure do love such a clean bed, though.

Other than laundry, which did seem to take a pretty good bite out of my day, I didn't do all that much of interest.  There was the usual house stuff, the usual computer stuff, and working on family history.  I am having a great time really getting back into the research, although I am still responding to emails that have accumulated.  Each question requires a careful check to see if there is anything new and if what I have looks right.  Sometimes that leads me into all sorts of things - like today.  I found new family members in the family I was working on.  Just fun!

I also shocked Bill by actually cooking dinner!!!  This was the first week that I tried the Nature's Garden Delivered produce delivery and I was pleased with the things that we got.  Normally, I would have used a lot of it on Sunday, but since the kids are out of town, I decided to cook today.  I fried some chicken thighs, but every thing else came from the box - Russian banana fingerling potatoes that I boiled and buttered, fresh  lima beans, and a fabulous salad made with the red oak lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes.  There were also some apples, bananas, oranges and tangerines.  Week one was good!

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