Monday, January 14, 2013

January 13th - Wonderful Sunday

I went to church this morning alone.  Well, I always go alone since Bill has meetings, but today he was sick in bed and I really went alone.  All the meetings were really good and there was a particularly strong sense of the spirit in attendance all day. 

When I got home, Bill was in bed.  He said he had fixed something to eat a little earlier and just wanted to sleep, so I left him and fixed myself a sandwich.  The kids are in Florida for the week, so it was a very quiet house today!

I spent the afternoon working on family history.  I got all the emails answered, so that project is now crossed off.  My next project will be to work on some of the leaves on Ancestry.  I also had some RS emails to send out, plus a few other things.

Mid-afternoon, I was getting tired, so laid on the couch and turned on Netflix to start watching the Mansfield Park series.  When Bill woke up and came out, I switched to the bed and went to sleep for a short nap.  The couch just isn't all that comfortable. 

The other members of the bishopric stopped by in the evening to check on Bill.  I guess they wanted to know if he was really sick or just playing at it.  We had a nice visit with them.

Sunday is almost always my favorite day of the week and that was true today, even though it seemed a little quiet without the kids entertaining us!

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