Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 7th - Another Quiet Day? Not as much!

My day started about the same, since Bill was still at camp.  I was up, had laundry started, and the routine chores done early.  However, being Saturday, there were a few extra things on the list so I didn't get to play family history all day long.

There were four loads of laundry, for instance, along with things like planning Sunday dinner, a little better cleaning than usual, cleaning out the frig, etc.  Then there were the errands that I had to run out and do.  All in all, I actually worked a little.  Well, as little as possible, but I couldn't get out of everything.

I did spend the rest of the time on family history.  John Jones Cantrell was my focus again, as I did a little background on the Battle of Perryville, where he was wounded.  I worked some on his family, as well, trying to get the complete picture. 

Bill got back late in the afternoon and he was exhausted!  They had a great time, but it was all physical - what else would you do with a bunch of 16 and 17 year old boys?  This morning they did rappelling, although Bill said he chose not to try it.  He is smarter than I thought - Ha!

I enjoyed my couple of quiet, alone days, but it is nice to have him back home.  

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