Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 23rd - Day of Recovery

I am wondering if I am getting old.  It seems like I need a day to recover whenever I do anything that requires any energy at all.  We had such fun with the kids here, but I was tired today.  I got the Monday morning straightening done and all that goes with that.  Other than that, I was pretty much lazy the rest of the day.

I spent some time on family history, though, but that doesn't require much energy.  I also took a short nap - gotta get recharged.  Somehow I was busy all day, but I sure didn't accomplish all that much. 

We found out today that a niece was out walking the dog and took a bad fall.  Her arm sustained a compound fracture, both bones, and she had to have surgery to repair it last night.  She is still in the hospital.  Bill was able to stop by and see her on his way home from work.  She hopes to go home tomorrow.  The birthday party for her youngest, which is scheduled for Friday, is hopefully still on, but someone else is going to have to do most of the work!  We leave for the beach in 12 days, so she is not going to be doing much ocean swimming this year!  Hope it heals quickly.

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