Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 20th - "The Kids Wore Me Out So I Needed to Recover" Day!

Yeah, they wore me out yesterday - it was hot, busy, and fun, but I was tired today.  Of course, being up late because of our friends' accident and then not sleeping that well because I was worried didn't help either.

So what did I accomplish today?  Well, three loads of laundry got done.  That was good.  Also good was getting the house straightened and the dishwasher emptied.  I worked on family history for a while, especially looking over Fold3 which is the topic of my next presentation in September.  And, of course, there was a nice long nap - I don't nap every day and usually it is just a quickie when I do, but not today.  I really went under.

Bottom line, it wasn't a totally wasted day, but I sure didn't move too fast!  Oh, and I actually cooked dinner - well, I cooked bacon so we could have BLT's, but that is more than I often do!

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