Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 16th - Empty Nesters

We hosted Empty Nesters family home evening tonight, so most of my day was cleaning the house and getting ready for that.  I had to actually do all the cleaning that got ignored on Saturday when the kids came over at the last minute.  Got it done, though.  I also made a cake for refreshments and got the popcorn maker moved into the dining room, so we could also have popcorn. 

In between all that, I worked on family history.  I am trying to help one of my class members who is from South Africa and has almost nothing so far.  I spent a good while just trying to find out where to look for things, since Family Search and Ancestry are not producing any information.  I found a clue and am exploring that now.  This may take a while, but it sure is fun!

We had a nice turnout this evening, considering that it is summer and so many are away on vacations.  We had to plan the activity, so we made it really simple!  I found a quote from Audrey Hepburn about laughter.  I shared a little about the benefits of laughter and then we just shared funny stories.  It was a fun evening.

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