Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 6th - Just an ordinary day!

I had such an ordinary day that I am not sure I have much to write!  Besides all the normal stuff around here, I worked on RS a good bit - the blog, the email, going through some things for YW turning 18, etc.  None of it all that interesting, but together it pretty much filled my whole day.

I did get the sheets washed and I do so love climbing into bed with fresh sheets!  If it wasn't so much work to remake the bed, I would probably change them more often. 

I never even left the house, which quite honestly, makes me happy.  I have some shopping to do, and I prepared that list today, but I have become such a house nut that I don't even want to go out!  Turned out to be a good - but certainly boring! - day.

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