Saturday, March 23, 2013

March 22nd - A More Relaxed Day!

I am still recovering from my whirlwind yesterday, so I was glad that this was a much slower, more relaxed kind of day.  I still had a lot to do - what with the house not even being touched yesterday!  I got things straightened up, including getting the dishwasher emptied, so it could return to its primary purpose of being a dirty dish holder.  I finally got the St. Patrick's Day decorations on the dining room table put away.  So now the house is in good shape - even the toys are all put away.

I also spent some time on the computer - no surprise there!  Among other things, I got the weekly RS email out.  I noticed that I haven't run across any new community service ideas in the last two or three weeks, so I must not be working as hard at that as I should.  I also didn't get my online storage inventory updated, so they just got the same as last week.  I don't really think it matters that much, though.  They aren't supposed to be doing exactly what I do anyway - just using it as inspiration for their own.

I also talked on the phone with my dad today to confirm when I was coming up to Iowa.  I also talked with my friend Paula, as I will spend a few days with her while I am there.  I think it is coming together.  Phone calls take a while - well, not with my dad, but certainly with Paula!

I even slipped in a short "nap" (aka - read a book), which felt good.  I was tired and it was a good way to reenergize.  I finished the book before bedtime.  It was a pretty good one - The Fault in Our Stars, or something like that.  It was about teenagers with terminal cancer, from their point of view, and with a good bit of humor.

So, I still haven't finished my errand list.  Like Scarlet says - Tomorrow!

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