Friday, July 5, 2013

July 4th! Happy Birthday, America!

Great day for celebrating Independence Day, although we didn't do a thing of interest!  It was rainy off and on all day and we spent the day relaxing or getting ready for vacation.

I had all my lists from yesterday and started gathering everything together.  Once I had all the food items together, I was able to go to the grocery store and get the rest of what was on the list.  Not a very exciting day, but got a lot done. 

Bill did a few odds and ends and then I think he got bored later in the afternoon and decided to clean the bathrooms.  Now they are both spotless and my work tomorrow will be that much easier!

The missionaries stopped by in the evening and we had a chance to get better acquainted with them.  They have been in the ward for about a month.  We enjoyed our visit.

So, even though we didn't celebrate, I am very grateful for all the blessings in my life because of the great sacrifice of our founding fathers and all those who have served to preserve those freedoms since.  I have a couple of ancestors who fought in the Revolution and proud of that heritage.  Happy Birthday, America!

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