Monday, November 10, 2014

November 9th - Sunday with Connie and Jack

This was our last day having Connie and Jack visiting with us.  We all slept in and when we were finally all up and showered, Bill fixed us eggs and grits for brunch.  We never stop talking so it is not hard to fill a morning!

They went to church with us, which was fun.  I loved introducing them to my church friends - most of my closest friends have heard about my college roommates and they enjoyed meeting one of them! 

I had my family history class, but the number attending was down today, but we still spent the time answering questions and doing some things in FamilySearch.  They are getting to know better how to do things.

From church, we went straight to the hotel so they could get checked in and relax a little before they start the week of the welding convention.  Jack thought there was a reception Sunday evening; Connie disagreed.  Either way, they made it to the hotel and were able to do whatever it turned out they needed to do!  It was such a fun weekend with them.

When we got back home, I had time to get a quick bite and then had to take off again for a stake family history meeting.  Our meeting part only takes about half an hour, then I led the training on FamilySearch.  We have several new consultants who are not familiar with it, plus we had a couple of people from the community who came, as well.  It went pretty well, I think.  They "voted" to have me continue the discussion at our next meeting in January.

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