Monday, March 19, 2012

March 18th - What happened to spring?

Just wondering here - what happened to spring?  I mean, winter was mild, but it was still too cold to be spring.  Daffodils were up in January and have been gone for a couple of weeks now.  All the blooming trees have been in full bloom for a few weeks (Ashby calls them "poppin' trees" whenever she sees a tree in bloom.  Wonder what song she likes to sing??!!!)  Leaves are even coming in on the rest of the trees.  Pollen count is through the roof and we are having the annual yellow "snow" falling everywhere.  So that should all mean it is spring, even though the calendar says we have another few days until it is official.  The problem is that we have had temps in the 80's for a whole week now!  That is not spring.  How did we go from winter to summer without passing through spring? 

Today I even turned on the air conditioner!  It was 78 degrees in the house when I got home from church, and since it was over 80 outside, I figured the a/c was the smartest move.  We grilled steak and veggie kabobs on the grill (turned out very good, by the way.)  After dinner, the children put on their swimsuits and played in the sprinkler thingy we bought yesterday.  We sat out in the lawn chairs, watching the kids, and enjoying being outside, in spite of all the yellow pollen everywhere.  Sounds like summer to me - but it is still winter! 

Strange year.  I am hoping that spring decides to show its face for a while after this summer sneak peak.  I need some mild, but warm, weather!

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