Monday, October 8, 2012

Oct 7th - A Totally Lazy Day!

Billy and I managed to be even lazier today than we were yesterday!  Hard to believe, I know.

After sleeping in, we ate a late breakfast - eggs and sausage fixed by Billy this time.  Then we sat around talking and watching TV.  I had my Kindle and read a lot, too.  I think we both slipped in a little nap or two, as well.

When we finally got hungry enough to move again, we went out to a great Italian place and had a very delicious meal.  Then it was back to his place and more football, etc. 

As lazy as it sounds, it was a great day and we were able to talk about a lot of things, as well as relaxing.  I leave tomorrow to start back home, so a final lazy and relaxing day was just what I needed!

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