Thursday, January 1, 2015

December 31st - New Year's Eve!

I had a bunch of things to get done today - like some laundry, getting potatoes and eggs cooked for potato salad, the rest of the gifts wrapped, etc.  I also rested in between with some family history stuff.  I am trying to help one of the members who has a snag in FamilySearch that we can't figure out.  Hoping the help center will discover what the problem is. 

Late afternoon, we headed over to Lisa's, picking up some pizza and wings on the way.  We had a great time.  The kids were really wound up, so they were very entertaining.  We had our pizza dinner and sat and chatted for a bit, while the kids rode their bikes around and around the living room.  When it got dark, we set off some fireworks on the street in front of the house.  Most of us stayed in the house and watched from the front window.  They both squealed with each one! 

Then the kids blew out candles on a cake to say happy birthday to the new year.  Around 9:00, we did the count down and cheered for new year in.  After all, it was midnight somewhere!  And then we had a dance show.  Both Brooks and Ashby love to dance, although their styles are quite different - LOL!  David dances with them and swings them around, does spins, lifts, etc.  The entertainment lasted for a long time!  Very fun.  Lisa had gotten some sparkling grape juices, so we ended with toasting in the new year.

Eventually, the kids were getting so tired, but refused to slow down, so Bill and I decided it was time to head on home, so they would go to bed.  We had a really fun evening - doing nothing special, but spending it with family.  They can turn anything into a party and we did party this evening!

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