Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 23rd - Rainy Friday, But a Success!

This rain started last night and it is one dreary day.  I thought about just staying in bed all day, but I didn't.  In fact, I got some soup going in the crock pot - a creamy cheesy potato soup.  I also stripped the sheets and got those washed.  Other than a few other routine things around the house, I spent the rest of the day at the computer.  Big surprise!

I am determined to figure out how to do this power point thing, so I searched for tutorials.  I have looked at some before, but this time I ran across a really basic set of videos, obviously meant for someone who knows nothing - and, boy, do I qualify!  They were really good, so I spent a couple of hours watching and taking some notes.  What I had figured out so far was correct, but they added lots of other details.  The big success was that I learned how to add the pictures and charts that I have been struggling with.  Now my presentation is starting to look right.  I have a few more things to add, but now I know how.  Hoorah! 

I spent the rest of my late afternoon and early evening watching some TV and eating my soup.  Yummy!  Bill didn't get home until quite late, so I just watched things from Netflix and relaxed and listened to the rain.  What a dreary - and successful! - day.

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