Saturday, November 24, 2012

November 23rd - Shopping Day! Well, not me, much.

Gratitude Journal:  I am grateful for living in such a prosperous country where we can pretty much buy anything we want - and plenty of things we don't really need!  I am grateful that Bill has a job that gives us what we need.

Once we all got up and going this morning, we headed out to shop.  I can't believe I said that since I am the last person to go shopping when there might be crowds!  However, we had one item we wanted to get and we went for it - a new computer monitor.  We wanted to have Billy's expertise in picking one out, so we had to brave the crowds.  Billy had checked the sales inserts, so he knew about what price we were looking for.  Our first stop was Costco and they had something similar, but at a higher price.  Next stop was Staples.  When we didn't see the model that Billy had seen, he asked a clerk and she brought it right out.  So with just two stops, we found what we wanted and headed home.  The crowed at Staples was small and we didn't have to punch anyone to get what we went for!

On the way home, we stopped at Waffle House for lunch.  Billy loves Waffle House and it is always one of the places we wants to go while here.  They don't have any in Iowa, so he never gets to go up there.  The food was good and we had a lot of fun.

When we got home, Billy got the monitor all set up and did some more cleaning of the hard drive on our computer, trying to get the speed back up.  He was successful on both counts.  Then he and Bill decided to go out to shop for a new TV.  While they were gone, I worked on genealogy and then took a nap.  They found what they wanted at two different places, but it was sold out at both, so that purchase will have to wait until another time.

We then headed over to Lisa's so Lisa, David, and Billy could go to the hockey game while Grandma and Grandpa babysat.  As usual, we had a good time.  The kids had to eat their dinner first.  Since he is still recovering from the stomach flu, Brooks only ate a little and then he played with Grandpa.  Ashby wouldn't eat at all, complaining that her tummy hurt.  She then cuddled up with me for a while and looked like she was not feeling well.  Sure enough, a little later she started throwing up.  Poor thing.  At least she is old enough to know it is coming and can get to the pan.  During the evening, she had to throw up four or five time.

By 7:30, Brooks was in bed asleep and by 9:00, Ashby was in bed asleep.

The hockey fans got home around 11:00 - after watching a fun game with lots of tension (I still can't believe how much Lisa loves hockey fights!) and then going out to eat.

It has been a good and busy day - just feel so bad for poor sick Ashby!

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