Monday, January 9, 2012

January 8 - A Quiet Sabbath

We are now on the afternoon church session, which is not my favorite time.  However, it does mean that the morning is very relaxed.  And, church is always great, no matter when it is held.

I threw a pot roast and veggies in the crock pot in the morning and things sure smelled good by the time I got home!  Lisa and David and kids came over right after their church meeting, which finished at 2:00.  David is catching a plane in the evening to Denver for an interview.  They put Brooks straight into the crib and then they ate their dinner.  I hurried home after church, so Lisa could take David at 4:30 and I could watch the kids.  Such fun.  Brooks slept until 5:30, then woke up happy, ready to eat and play.  He laughs most of the time.  Ashby was tired, but didn't sleep.  She cuddled some and watched Mickey Mouse on TV.  She also played with her Polly Pocket Princesses that she got for Christmas.  She also showed off the little book they made in Sunbeam class - all about themselves being a child of God.  Really cute.

All in all, it was a nice day.  I think it qualified as a nearly perfect Sabbath - quiet morning, spiritual testimony meeting, great lessons in Sunday School and Relief Society, and then special time with the family, especially the grandchildren.  Now what more could I ask?

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