Monday, January 16, 2012

January 15th - Another Sabbath Day

Bill had meetings starting at 10:00, so after Lisa and the kids left to attend their church meeting this morning, I had a couple of hours by myself. It seemed very quiet!  I got dinner going in the crockpot, cleaned up the kitchen so it would be easy to finish when I got home, and then got myself showered and ready for church.  I actually had time to get prepared for Relief Society - I am conducting this month - and to work a little on my family history.

Church was enjoyable as always.  The Sacrament Meeting talks were really good.  The Sunday School lesson was on Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life and that is always a good discussion.  The Relief Society lesson was from the George Albert Smith manual and was about "loving others as thyself" and the teacher did a wonderful job.  There was a really special spirit there.

When I got home, Lisa, David and both kids were napping - people sleeping all over my house!!  When everyone was up, we had dinner - a pork loin that really turned out good, along with mashed potatoes, green peas, applesauce, fresh baked rolls, and other trimmings.  Bill managed to get home in time to eat and then had to take off again to attend the youth fireside.

The rest of us enjoyed a little time together before they had to leave for home.  During the evening, I worked some more on family history, read scriptures, and read my current book.

All in all, a very nice Sabbath Day.

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