Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 8th - Family History Day

Today was Family History Center day, but we didn't have any patrons again.  It turned out OK, though, since I took my new computer and worked on learning more about it and Phyllis had a project that she really needed to finish (unrelated to family history), so we both accomplished something - even if it wasn't what we were there for!

In the afternoon, I took some time and worked on preparing for art class tomorrow.  I already had the plans, but I needed to make some examples of what we are going to do and make sure I had everything we needed.  That ended up taking quite a bit of time, which was time well-spent and fun, too!

The rest of my day was pretty low key.  I was very tired, but I have been trying not to nap, so I ended up watching a little TV - The Vikings again - and doing some things on the computer that didn't require deep thinking.

Bill had a job in Milledgeville today, so he didn't get home until 8:30ish - way too late, if you ask me. 

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