Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 10th - Lunch AND Dinner Out!

I was doing my usual morning "stuff" when Lisa called and said that they had just dropped Ashby off at her home school group and Brooks wanted to come to Kids Up by Grandma's house.  I was invited to come, too.  So we spent the next couple of hours watching Brooks run, at full speed, from one thing to another.  He had so much fun and was not really ready to leave when it was time, although he was exhausted.  We went to Mexican for some lunch.  It turned out he slept in his car seat for about 45 minutes on the way home.  He really was exhausted!

Back home, I finished up my to do list and ended up taking a short nap myself.  Bill called on his way home and said that some friends, who have recently moved to Charleston, would be at the house around 6:30.  When they got here, we discussed whether to go to the Meet the Mormons movie this evening or not and decided that it was too late to catch the 7:00 movie and the 9:30 would be too late.  (We will go tomorrow during the day.)  Instead, we went up to Winder to Smokin' Jacks to have some BBQ.  Very good!  Best part, of course, was having the chance to get caught up with our friends.  We left the restaurant when they were trying to close, so we came back to the house and talked some more.  We all enjoyed the evening.

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