Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 18th - Back to Water Aerobics

After the snow-in week, it was fun to get back to my water aerobics class.  They will be adding an extra week to make up the two classes that have been missed.  When I got home, showered and all, I did the routine house and office stuff.  I also made sure I was set for my presentation tomorrow to the genealogy study group.  I have a tendency to over prepare these things, but.......  I did need to make sure my handout was ready to get copied.

I was so tired - not sure if it is just the sinus infection or working too hard in class - that I took a nap this afternoon.  The rest of my day was pretty much normal stuff.

Tonight I finished reading another book.  This time it was A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute.  It was originally written in 1950, so is a bit of a classic.  I really liked it.  It is the story of a couple who meet while both are prisoners of the Japanese in Malay.  After the war, they eventually learn that the other is still alive and not married and they both search out each the other.  The rest of the story is set in the Outback of Australia, as Jean turns an almost dead little town back into a thriving community.  Sounds a little unbelievable, and it probably is, but the characters are interesting and I loved the perspective of the war and its rebuilding afterwards as told from the 1950 view; so soon after the events actually occurred.

And thus we have another Tuesday.

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