Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 11th - Beginning of an Icy Storm

I woke up to everything covered in sleet.  There was maybe an inch on the patio table.  Fortunately, it stayed above freezing through the day, or we would have had a lot of ice.  It is expected to be worse tonight and tomorrow.  Well, I plan to just stay home!

Bill was out of town last night, so it was really quiet here all day.  I worked on some family history - finished up the one file and also worked on a hand out for my genealogy presentation to the county group next week.

I had a whale of a sinus headache, though, so I didn't feel like doing much.  I ended up curling up on the couch and watching some episodes of "Psych."  Lisa had said it was such a funny show, so I wanted to give it a try.  It is funny, but I think I will get tired of it before too many more episodes.

Bill decided to come on back home this evening.  He finished the big job, but had a couple of small repairs out that direction that he had planned to do, but with the ice threat, he didn't want to get stranded away from home.  The roads were still clear this evening, so he made it without trouble.

I took some frozen bread dough out of the freezer this evening.  I am already thinking of hot cinnamon rolls to start off the icy day tomorrow!

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