Friday, January 24, 2014

January 23rd - Yucky!

Every time the weather changes, so does my health.  At least, anything related to the sinuses.  The sore throat that threatened yesterday is full blown today.  Add in headache and achy and tired and that pretty much does it for my day.  No fever - so it isn't a cold or flue, just the sinus thing again. 

In honor of feeling so yucky, I didn't do much.  Fortunately, it was a quiet day already.  I did some spend quality time at the desk working on family history.  I have my things sort of organized and have been thinking of what to do to make it better.  Today I worked on putting that together.  Redoing any big project like this is just done one family at a time, but I am happy with the changes I am making.  I will eventually get it all done.

I took a long nap this afternoon, probably three hours.  I guess I needed it!  Bill had to go out for a church assignment this evening and I was so cold that I bundled up on the couch with my fluffy blanket and the electric blanket over it.  I watched a movie on Netflix and then started watching another show, when Bill got home.  It took that long for me to really get warmed up!

What a lousy day!

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