Monday, December 2, 2013

December 1st - Happy Birthday, Brooks!

Today is actually Brooks' birthday, although he had his a party a week ago.  He is now 3 years old.  I can't believe how quickly that has happened!  They didn't come over for dinner either, so we didn't get to see him.  After all the Thanksgiving stuff and wanting to finish with their Christmas decorating, they decided on a quiet day at home.  It made our Sunday a quiet one, too.

Church was good, as always.  It was Fast and Testimony and there were many good things said.  My lesson in Sunday School went well.  I had decided that if the wi-fi was working, we would try to catch up on that part and let the lesson stuff wait.  We were blessed - the wi-fi worked through the whole class until the last 3 or 4 minutes.  The class was full and they were so excited to get some hands on experience.  Telling them what they need to do just isn't the same as getting in there and doing it.

When I got home, I didn't need to get any dinner going, so I was able to lie down and take a short nap.  I was so tired that it was just what I needed!  I had been up just a short time when Bill got home.  We decided to go ahead and cook what I had planned for dinner and it was so good.  We had grilled chicken thighs (marinated in Dale's), gilled veggies (yellow squash, zucchini, and onions, marinated in olive oil with Tony's seasoning), grilled slices of fresh pineapple, and boiled purple potatoes (yes, purple! from my Nature's Produce Delivered basket).  Yummy!  And it took almost no time to prepare.

When Bill tried to turn the TV on, it wouldn't come on.  He is beside himself.  The thing is less than a year old.  He is going to have to track down whether it is still under warranty to see if it can get repaired.  It doesn't bother me quite so much, as I only watch Netflix once in a while, but he watches every day.  It is his way of relaxing in the evening - watch TV and sleep, you know!

Even though it was a very quiet day, and we really missed having the kids over, it has been another wonderful Sunday.

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