Wednesday, December 24, 2014

December 23rd - Another Rainy Day!

It rained all day again today - how dreary is that?  We even had a pretty good thunderstorm in the evening.  And I did curl up in the chair for a little while, but not as much as yesterday.  In fact, I got totally absorbed in some family history stuff and the day simply disappeared!

I also had a member contact me wanting some help, so that took a bit of my time, as well.  I do love helping people, so it brightened my day.

When Bill got home, we decided to go out for dinner, so we headed to our favorite Mexican place.  It was early, so we didn't have to wait and the food was really good.  (I hate having to wait when we go out - one of the reasons I don't like eating out, actually!)

I also dug all the gifts out of the closet to make an evaluation of where I stand.  All I really need right now is my gift for the family exchange and the gag gift.  I have both, so I won't worry too much about the rest until next week.  Even so, it is looking pretty good, at least for the grandchildren.  I think we need one more thing for Brooks.  But, I haven't gotten Bill anything.  Nor, do we have gifts for Lisa, David, or Billy.  I think they may end up getting cash or gift cards since we just can't come up with anything!  Hopefully, we can buy some things on sale next week, since we will be doing Christmas with them on New Years.

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