Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June 30th - Babysitting

Lisa had a dentist appointment this morning, so she brought the kids over around 9:30.  They were in a playing mood, so had a lot of fun, mostly playing together.  They had the little horses out and and tool set and were giving the horses "examinations".  Then they got out the old jewelry box and were dressing up.  Brooks was really funny with the earrings on!  Then they were playing something in the office - the adding machine was spewing out paper, they were writing on the paper, punching holes in it, etc.  Apparently, I was going to some sort of air show and they were doing the tickets. 

When they began to get a little tired and less happy, we had a short quiet time where they watched a couple of shows from Netflix.  It didn't take long and they were off playing again.  They really entertained themselves well.  All they wanted for lunch was bagels, so that was easy, too.

Shortly after eating, Lisa got back and they had to go.  What a fun morning.

The rest of the day was a little more normal - meaning, I did as little as possible.  My family history time was spent finishing up the checking of completed ordinances.  I only do it once a year or so, because it takes a couple of days to get it all done.  I won't worry about it again for a while. 

Bill wanted to go out for dinner, so we went to Del Rio.  Yummy - love Mexican!  The rest of our evening was pretty quiet - me at the computer, Bill watching something on TV, the Smithsonian channel, I think. 

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