Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 4th - Happy Fourth of July!

.......which we mostly spent getting ready for vacation!  And we accomplished our list of things to do.  That would mean I did six loads of laundry, including the sheets, cleaned out the refrigerator, and got all the packing done. 

We went over to Lisa's for a 4th of July cookout late in the afternoon - just a hot dogs and hamburger kind of thing.  David's mother and nephew got in this afternoon, so we got to see them, too.  The kids are so excited because tomorrow we get to go to the beach.

We didn't stay long, so we could get back home before dark and get the van all loaded.  That mission is also complete.  Now we just need to stick in the things we need in the morning and we can be on our way in good time.

St. Augustine - we are ready!!!

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