Friday, May 10, 2013

May 9th - RS Service Project

My day ended with the RS meeting where we put together some freezer meals to be used for compassionate service.  Great turnout and lots of fun - plus we ended up with 42 meals all ready for those who have need of dinners.

The rest of my day was more routine.  The water aerobics class is the last one for three weeks, when we start the summer session.  Other than the rest of my normal stuff, I did make a shopping trip to Kroger.  I had the coupons they send in the mail and I used most of them.  They are some of the best since they are coupons on items I normally buy and they are often $1 off.  Anyway, I bought a cart full of food and had to get that all put away when I got home.

The RS meeting was just a very nice ending to a busy day.

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