Saturday, May 11, 2013

May 10th - Visiting Teaching

I went visiting teaching this morning and had a great visit with one of my sisters.  That was the most productive part of my day!

I had planned to run some errands on my way home - which I decided not to do.  I will get them tomorrow.  I did do the usual at home things and spent quite a bit of time on the computer.  I got my RS email done and then forgot to send it.  I worked on family history a little, cleaned a little off my desk, etc.

This evening, some friends were getting together for a Girls Night Out and I had planned on going, but changed my mind.  Bill got home a little late and I decided to stay home with him.  We didn't do anything - just talked a little. 

It was a good day, but not much in the retelling! 

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