Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 4th - Family History Wednesday

I got to the church a little bit early, because I knew there was a lot going on today.  The consultant who works another shift had let us know that she was going in early for a couple of reasons, so to not be concerned that someone was already there.  As it turned out, the missionaries had a conference, so there were lots of people in the building. 

One of the men from the Study Group was also there with a few others to train them in doing their biographies.  They mostly wanted help in how to do things in Word.  I set them up in the room next to the FHC. 

Then we had a man come in to get some help.  His wife was there practicing the organ, so he came to ask his questions.  We were able to answer those and get him going on some things that he needed help with.  So, the place was hopping today!

When I finally got home, I had a late lunch and then relaxed a little, before spending some time on the computer with various projects.

Billy called this evening and we worked out the beginning of our buying the house from him.  It looks like it will be OK, since we have been pre-approved and his selling price is fair.  We will see what happens next.

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