Friday, February 27, 2015

February 26th - Art Class

I tackled the laundry this morning - 4 loads plus the sheets.  It took a good hunk of the day getting it all done, folded and put away.  Ashby was supposed to come for art class this morning, but I didn't hear from them, so I just figured they had a conflict.  I was busy with the laundry and working on family history, so I didn't think too much about.  Around noon, Lisa called and said they had forgotten!  There had been no Joy School today, so their routine was interrupted and they had just forgotten.  Since they had not other plans, they came on over and we had class in the afternoon.

Brooks wanted to come up, too, so Lisa came to help with him.  We read a couple of books about Pablo Picasso and how he started painting like everyone else.  He was very good and eventually made a lot of money, but he was bored painting the same picture over and over.  So, he started painting how he wanted to paint and he didn't care that people thought his art was "ugly."  It was another good lesson about how we need to do art to make ourselves happy and not others.

Then we made a picture that copied Picasso's painting of hands holding flowers.  We just traced our hands, using oil pastels, and drew circles for the centers of the flowers.  Then we used water colors to paint the flowers and the petals and the stems.  They turned out really cute. 

Brooks even traced his hand and tried painting with the water colors.  It wasn't as easy as the acrylics had been, but he gave it a good try.  Then he decided he wanted to play with the clay, so Lisa helped him make a dinosaur while Ashby finished painting her picture.

After they left, I rested a little.  I am trying to finish up this book about researching female ancestors and I am just about there.  Other than that, the rest of my day was pretty much like always!

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