Friday, April 17, 2015

April 17th - Been Missing for a While!

The last blog I posted was on March 8th.  I went in to write my next day's blog and I just didn't feel like doing it anymore.  So I just stopped!  It has been over a month and I am still not much interested in writing anymore.  How funny is that?

Anyway, I may write on occasion, but I am not going to be keeping a daily blog for the foreseeable future.

I can fill in the last month and a half by saying - "Things as usual!"  Art class continues each week and we keep having more fun.  For the rest of the year, there will be three artists in the class.  I work at the Family History Center every Wednesday and have a couple of patrons who come every week now.  It is certainly more fun when there are people who want help.  The Genealogy Study Group continues to meet monthly and I am still doing presentations and working closely with the group - and loving it, I might add.

The kids still come over most Sundays for dinner and to spend time together.  Ashby and Brooks continue to grow and get smarter every day!  And cuter, if I do say so myself.  I still love the job of grandmother.

So, I guess, I don't have much new news to talk about.  We went to the Aurora Theatre last night to a play - "The Explorer's Club" - very funny and well-done.  We are buying the house from Billy and hope to be able to close on that by mid-May.  The appraiser came by yesterday.

Well, we will see when I am prompted to write again!

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